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日本’s rich cultural history and world-famous contemporary pop culture make it a fascinating place to study abroad. Experience daily life in a 日本ese home; explore the world of 日本ese home cooking you won’t find in restaurants; and fall in love with spectacular sights and sounds of the four seasons.

Most exchange students are placed with 日本ese host families who have children attending our partner high schools in Kyoto or Kagoshima. They attend the 2nd year of high school (US 11th grade) and move to the 3rd year in the spring with their classmates. Although the 日本ese school system runs on a trimester system (April – July, 八月至十二月, 一月至三月), NWSE students attend during US school semesters (late August – January and/or January – July). Schools and offer a variety of clubs and activities so you can get to know your 日本ese classmates better.

Applicants to the academic-year and semester programs 必须 have the equivalent of one year of high-school 日本ese (including writing, 阅读, and conversation) to apply. If your high school does not offer 日本ese language courses, you may fulfill the requirement through private tutoring, 社区学院, 语言营地, 在线课程, or by passing the N5 level of the 日本ese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). Applicants 必须 also write a letter to their potential host family in 日本ese and pass a linguistic interview as well. There is no language requirement for the summer program.

Students 必须 be current high-school students between the age of 15-18 who will not graduate before their exchange. Students who will graduate immediately prior to the start of summer program may apply.

Application Requirements

To be considered for the program, you 必须:

  • Be 15 to 18 years of age by the start of the program
  • Be in 9th – 12th grade at the time you are applying for the program
  • Have an average grade point average (GPA) of approximately 3.4分中的0分.0).*
  • Demonstrate a strong motivation to learn 日本ese. Existing 日本ese skills are a significant advantage.
  • 展示成熟, 开放的思想, 考虑, 适应性, as well as other important social and communication skills.
  • Be in good physical and mental health.

* NWSE may consider you for the program with a GPA below 3.0 if you can demonstrate appropriate qualifications in other areas. We are happy answer any questions about the application requirements.


The program dates below are approximate:

程序开始 程序结束
学年计划: Late July to mid-September 6月下旬至8月初
秋季学期课程: Late July to mid-September Mid-January – late February
Spring Semester Program: Early January to late February 6月下旬至8月初


  • Placement with a carefully screened volunteer host family who provides room and board
  • Supervision by a representative of NWSE in 日本
  • Acceptance to a 日本ese high school
  • 旅游保险
  • Pre-departure, post-arrival and re-entry student orientations
  • Required documents to apply for your 日本ese student visa
  • Orientation for the host family in 日本
  • 建议和咨询, 在需要的时候, throughout the application process and for the duration of your program
  • NWSE certificate of participation upon successful program completion

Not included in program fees:

  • Plane tickets and travel-related expenses
  • Fee for 日本ese visa application
  • 学校用品
  • Lunch, if you do not to pack lunch from your host family home
  • School uniform if your school requires one
  • Personal expenses, including for public transportation. NWSE recommends at least $200 per month for the duration of the program plus $250 for start-up fees for each semester.
  • Host Family fees (if applicable)


接触NWSE for program fee information. Scholarships (“fee reductions”), based on merit and need, may be available.